Hold tight for I come quickly
Rejoice for I am coming for you.
I will never leave you or forsake you.
These final calls, final days will usher in all things new
the Bride renewed the Tribulation begun ....
Until now the world has been witness to a part of the
Birth Pangs a time of Jacobs sorrow...... and suffering such as never has been known comes and will never be known again.
Even so through it all I am there.... calling out, giving shelter,
giving comfort, rescuing, delivering, upholding, providing, looking after, shinning a light, leading the way and delving from...
through it all, I will be there... even unto the end.
Beloved I make all things new...
let those with ears to hear, hear.... Selah
The Lord of lords and Host of hosts the King of kings comes ....
In the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Ghost
Rejoice for Jesus comes soon...
Rejoice your saving grace is upon you and you shall be
delivered from.... First the living and then the dead.
Loving Saving grace of Jesus Christ the Savior
of the world is with you, now and ever more.
Take heart in the hour... Rejoice be blessed in
the knowledge of that you know what time it is.
None is likened unto the Lord of lords and King of kings.
None gives what I give.
I am the all and all through and through Almighty God;
the God who was and is and is to come ..
None could plan whats going to happen next
--- behold I come expediently ..
Behold all things are heightened,
quickened. Rejoice ... Selah
So Be It.
These words are from the Spirit of the Lord Jesus* Christ...
The Holy Spirit is not compelling me to add supportive scripture to this for you today.
So if you don’t mind ... I'm not .
Be Blessed in Jesus* name.
Lets Rejoice keep watch... Our Bridegroom is coming for us.
Hear the Lords heart to those that will be here after the Rapture
He is truly reassuring those going through the Trib.
Finally someone said people are beginning to look at the world and seeall these signs blaring as common place events... signs such civil unrest,wars and rumors of wars, dead birds, dead fish, hurricanes, earthquakes,tornadoes, tidal waves, volcanic eruptions, and so on .... we are simply adding them in to this is the new earth... its part of earth change... and we are going
about life and business as usual...
But these are the Biblical birth pangs.
Having birthed four children without pain killer of any sort
.... I know birth pangs increase ...grow more intense, hit closer- together, grow much harder to tolerate and finally they always produce....
People these birth pangs are not going to go on endlessly.... they serve a purpose....they are right now at work... doing what they set out to do.... part of that is to awaken as to what time it is... part of that is to get prepared Bride your Bridegroom is coming...
part of that is whosoever will- come now.... and there is much more to Gods work...
We are in change only God knows how much more intense these Birth pangs will increase to or how much longer we will be in them before the Bride is lifted out and the
Antichrist of Revelation free to be revealed.
We do know this for fact.. the events of the world are of Biblical proportions... even if we are growing accustomed to them
so to refer to them as common place.
Jesus Saves* the sinful men
http://terri3210.blogspot.com/2011_02_01_archive.html.... and He is coming ....
we are living in the most exciting times this world has ever known
... the last days....
its like the grand finale of a wonderful display of fireworks..
Get ready
Jesus* Blessings to you
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