Monday, November 14, 2011


The vision from the Lord Jesus* 
via the Holy Spirit  is of the last of the last visions so saith the Lord of hosts an King of kings.
Today the Lord showed me the heaven where the planets and stars moon and sun are...I watched as the first object was hit twice; I don’t know if this was a star or an object.
Then the Sun was hit repeatedly, each hit was like an Atomic Bomb went off on the sun and sun was taking it very hard... 
this was much violence to the sun.
First  it was pierced through 
the front center and 
 the first Atomic Bomb like explosions went off, then the middle of the back side of the sun was hit,  just the same as the front middle was ..
Next the top of the sun was hit,
then the bottom,
then the sides; east then west. Each time the sun was hit, it was an atom bomb, like a nuclear explosion... These blows were very violent blows to the sun; it trembled.
The sun was so shaken from this violent attacking...
fire was exploding from it, like never before;
fire from both sides, from front and from back, from north, south, east and west... from every area.
Next, beaten... the sun looked as if it tipped down like a man would tip his hat and head, so did the sun tip itself slightly but very much noticeable tip ..from this violence...
Next I saw what looked like a huge satellite floating in space and it took a hit..  this thing exploded... and the shock waves of it went towards the sun..But  the sun had shock waves of its own coming towards this object.
The shock waves coming from each direction [from the sun and from the satellite]  collided in space and heaven was shaken ... from this violence in space.  The earth stopped a moment from its spin from around and went bottoms up top down.
Then the mountains began to crumble and the sea began to roar and rage out of control 
the earth was shaken violently then graves began to open and then most amazing of all
I saw the RAPTURE OF THE CHURCH!!!  I saw people being lifted from earth
and they were in white robes*...  they were going up to the clouds... Praise to Jesus*
And the Lord said to me these are the lasts of the last visions to come... for I am coming for my Bride beloved.
Are you ready; He asked?
Is there anything you haven't done 
that you wanted to ?
Make ready 
for the coming of the Lord is at Hand!
Blessed are we in the Lord Jesus* Christ ...
Blessed are we that love the Lords coming for His Bride!
If your not ready beloved,
tie up your loose ends now.
Make ready now and have a heart of rejoicing for our journey here is just about over... and Praise to Jesus* it is.  
How many times, how many ways can someone tell you;
Repent to Jesus of your sin, Get Saved, 
ASK Jesus* to come into your heart as Lord and Savior.
Don’t delay, these are urgent times... everything is happening more quickly...
Time is of great essence in the Lord Jesus*...
He is eager to set up His Kingdom on earth... so all things are quickening... Hallelujah!
Jesus* Loves You...
See YOU here, there or in the air. 

but don't know how?

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