Friday, October 21, 2011

THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE: A Word from the WORD...10-22-2011

John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

Write these down  in the name of the true Living God; 
The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. 
The God who was and is and is to come. 
The God whom did give His only begotten son Son that whosoever believeth in Him might  find redemption.. In God all things are possible to those that love the Lord Jesus Christ.
Have faith for all things work together for those that love the Lord. These things are true saith the Lord of lords and King
of kings. Time is at hand for the coming of Son of man, King of kings,  Lord of all.
He comes for the Bride that waits Him [she is].  The Son of man comes in Great Glory for His Bride that is ready and waiting on Him.  Her heart calls unto Him and He knows Her... she will never be forsaken.
Gods ways are higher than mans ways.
Trust in the Lord not at he whims of man.
- What is man that He can profess to know God?
Rise up in the Lord Jesus the Savior of the world.
Behold all things change, all things are come new in a day, in an instant so be it declares the Lord of lords and King of kings, so be it.
So it will be as a moment that alters all, changes all, never to go back, never to ever return to what was... All Anew... ... I rise you up ... I pull mine up out of the Travail before the Tribulation pours out over the entire earth and its inhabitants great and small rich and poor alike will feel the mighty wrath of God ... None will escape it ... Time alone will prove  these words to be true.. Who is likened to the Lord ... None Not One Saith the  Lord of lords and King of kings.
No man knows the day or hour ... behold I come at a time none expect.
Who is likened unto the Lord..
What comes next even the experts will be stumped unprepared... amazed
to say the least at the magnitude, the greatness of the height and depth of the events to come .. Behold a shaking of all shakings thus far will rock the nations
and the world will know I Am that I Am... who is likened unto to me?
Alas the magnitude will far supersede the boundaries of one nation.
Rejoice for Hope above all, is in the coming of the Lord  of lords and King of kings.
I tell you prepare for the coming of these events are upon you.
All that was -----never----- to be again... Behold greatest of changes begin in a twinkling of an eye so be it .. It comes 
Regardless if many sleep or slumber.
Regardless if many keep watch.
Regardless if the many are prepared.
Regardless so be it.
It comes thus saith the Lord of lords and King of  kings.  Selah 
So be it and it will be .. before you  imagine   ..... HERE AND GONE .....  
Give all the Praise to the Lord of lords and King of kings. Give all the Praise to the Lord Jesus Christ the one who paid all for the sins of the world.
 Plea  the blood of the Lamb ... save your eternal soul while you have time  to do so. For in a moment, time and chance are no more and   - ever without -   will enter in ... with no recovery for sin .... wrath of God will be ever prevalent... where salvation might have ... could have been .. How sad to turn away from life and embrace eternal darkness- calling it light and calling it good.  Turn, Repent now... while you have the moment to do so .
All Life and hope are in the Lord Jesus... apart from Him, is only death, lifelessness with no ending in sight ...Hear the pleas of the Lord your God as He calls out to you who are not in the fold, not washed in the water of the word, not sanctified, nor justified by the shed blood
of the LAMB ...Come to  me saith the Lord of lords and King of kings... turn and repent of your sins.
Come to me while I call you. For I promise a time will come to you that I will call out to you no more. Let those with ears to hear ... know what I'm telling you, know what I'm offering you, without recourse
I offer you life eternal ...  Who is likened unto the Lord of lords and King of kings ... who?  None I tell you ... None ..not one.
Behold my servant is weary of writing these things saith the Lord ... Still I call you
through this pen... come unto me all you heavy laden .. weary and lost .. Come
and I will give you shelter from the storm, come saith the Lord Jesus, come to me .. You have my heart already .. Just come to me as I call out to you..
Finally I close this letter saying; peace, joy, happiness be with you one and all.
Grace that blankets the servants in the Lord  is sufficient for the day for the hour,
for the time, for the moment and even the season.
Rejoice for I alone am that I am and there is no other.
Hold onto faith and hope .. trust only in me saith the Lord Jesus the savior of whosoever.
Trust no man, woman or child... All will fail you ... all will let you down .. they will mislead you,  misinterpret you, misjudge you, mishandle you, reject you and cast you to the wayside. 
But I will never leave you or forsake you.
Who is likened unto me? saith the Lord of lords and king of kings .
The one who was and is and is to come.
Hold tight for you shall ever be with the Lord at the Trump of all.
At the Trump of God- you shall be ever with me!
As I close this letter to the hearts that read
and to the hearts that partake.
I say Rejoice!
Make a joyous way for me... saith the King!
Make a way for me saith the King!
Make a way for me saith the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
Behold I say alone:
Behold I say: it is finished: I say.
Rejoice! Come now be ever Blessed! 
In Jesus Be blessed in me saith the Lord.
My heart is yours for the asking.
Knock and enter into it Saith the Lord of lords and King of kings.
For my goodness is beyond comparison.
Beyond human comprehension.
Who can know me? 
Who can know the depths or heights of me
saith the Lord of lords and King of kings?
Behold I come!
on 10-21-2011.
I give all the Praise, Honor and Glory to the Father,
Son and Holy Spirit for this message.
Thank and Praise you Jesus* Christ my Savior.
Glory Praise and Honor to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. 
The God of Israel, the True Living God... Hallelujah!
Praise to the God that gave all to a sinful world, that gave His only begotten Son Jesus Christ... of John 3:16
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son,
 that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
People surely Jesus is telling us He is on
His way to call the Bride up from the earth.
Who knows how many more days or calls we will have before it’s a done sealed deal?
All I can say to the unprepared and the unsaved... If you want Jesus come now... Repent now.
At the Trump its too late to get serious.
And if you figure you have lots of time via you plan on the seven years of the
Tribulation as the more time to choose which god or God you will serve.
Well remember... you could die today... see we can start to feel like a super
person that has no end to life. 
We are so use to waking every day. 
We just take it for granted that we 
will do it again tomorrow.
Even though we drive past cemeteries 
full of dead mens bones on a daily
or regular basis ...  we still don’t think of it in application to our eternal souls
whereabouts or well being.
Life is so important 
until it is no more.
Then.. and only then.. will eternity be so much more important; because it
promises no ending.
Today again, is a calling out to you, whosoever to come into the soul
salvation.  Jesus paid for ... For You.
Wont you freely come and take what is yours for the asking today?
This could be your last offer to eternal life.
You decide.
Revelation 3:20 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.
Matthew 3:17 And lo a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.
Jesus* Blessings to you. 
and I think Jesus* is coming
before we imagine
see you here, there or in the air.
John 3:16  Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown.

If you dont know what it is 
TO BE SAVED or how to be saved?
Click the link below... for right now help.

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